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Problem Solving just got harder as a result of COVID-19

Andrew Southwood

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, life seemed a lot easier. Just the simple act of going grocery shopping has now become a lot more challenging!

Firstly, there is the time of day to consider. This is important in assessing how long you will stand in a queue outside the store before you even pick the first item on your list and place it in your trolley. Next is the store you wish to visit and how they manage the queue. Yes, different stores are better or worse in how they deal with people waiting in lines to get in! As if this is not enough, one has to consider the hygiene protocols (if they exist) the store has put into effect and if these meet your personal standards.

In store considerations take into account how many people are let into the store at a given point in time and how safe social distancing is managed as you go about you're shopping. Are the isles wide enough? Is there a designated route one has to follow? How do I get assistance if needed? How do I ensure a safe check-out experience? How do I ensure my shopping is safe when I get home?

These are just some of the considerations we now have to take into account when planning a shopping trip. From the store perspective, management and operational problems have become much more complicated and require new approaches to problem solving. Are you prepared for a future where life will be more complicated?

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